UNDP Uzbekistan infographics
“Market Transformation for Sustainable Rural Housing in Uzbekistan” project was launched in 2017. The joint project of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, UNDP and the Global Environment Facility is aimed at developing the construction of energy-efficient and low-carbon housing in rural area. Consequently, it is expected that the household energy and greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced.
The main objective of the project is to provide the rural population of Uzbekistan with improved and affordable living conditions which do not have a negative impact on the environment.
2019 has become the active phase for the project in construction of energy-efficient (EE) and low-carbon (LC) houses. An important component was provision of information to six specialized banks about the “green mortgage” scheme, which could be used by project beneficiaries- residents of rural areas. As a result, 3,200 people were able to access the “green mortgage” to finance housing construction, 53% of whom were women.
As a result, in 2019, 800 one-storey 3-room energyefficient and low-carbon houses were constructed, including 176 houses in Samarkand, 185 houses in Surkhandarya, 206 houses in Fergana, 112 houses in Khorezm and 121 houses in Bukhara regions. Precisely, in five pilot regions of Uzbekistan photovoltaic stations (PVS) with the capacity of 300-Watt for lighting needs, as well as 200-liter solar water heaters for hot water supply in 10 affordable rural houses were installed.
Now, in order to monitor the level of energy consumption in EE and LC rural houses, it is planned to assess the actual annual consumption of heat and electric energy and measure the energy balance and efficiency of houses. It will also help determine the level of relevant greenhouse gas emissions and the energy consumption costs for residents. The obtained data will help compare these buildings with model rural houses built within the framework of the state program in 2018 in similar climatic conditions.
Energy audit is a technical and economic survey of power supply systems, distribution and consumption of energy at buildings and structures.
In addition, based on the results, a number of technical, organizational and economic processes will be developed for reducing the cost of energy resources and improve energy efficiency.
The energy audit will be held from March 2020 to March 2021 in 60 houses constructed in Samarkand, Bukhara, Surkhandarya, Fergana and Khorezm regions.
In order to successfully conduct the energy audit, support of the residents of energy efficient houses is needed. Besides ensuring tan access of auditors to houses, residents need to monitor the safety of data loggers during the project, complete questionnaires, record daily energy and resource consumption. It is important that residents understand the significance of the task and practice useful, energy efficient habits, which can be reflected in other areas of their lives.