Rapid Assessment of the COVID-19 Socio-Economic Impact on Vulnerable Households in Viet Nam
Rapid Assessment of the COVID-19 Socio-Economic Impact on Vulnerable Households in Viet Nam
September 22, 2021
This impact assessment of COVID-19 was conducted in early August 2021, as a follow-up to Rapid Impact Assessment Round 2 (RIM2) implemented in October 2020, and RIM1 in April to May 2020. The objective of this exercise is to provide an update on economic and non-economic dimensions of well-being of vulnerable households during the pandemic, focusing on the fourth wave, which started in April 2021 and is still on-going. While the survey was conducted in the first week of August 2021, respondents were asked about their situation in July 2021, i.e. the previous month.