Social assistance in Viet Nam: Review and proposals for reform
Social assistance in Viet Nam: Review and proposals for reform
July 22, 2016
This report proposes expansion in regular cash transfers around three stages of the human life cycle – childhood, disability and old age - and delivery of a “social protection floor” for all Vietnamese. It also recommends more focused delivery of emergency assistance, to build resilience and early recovery to disasters and major shocks. For social care, while recognizing the need for further research, the report recommends improved supply of quality services, and greater opportunities for involving the private sector and NGOs in providing services.
The report adopts a cautious line on resourcing and recommends a gradual expansion, initially supported by savings from other social protection programmes. It also employs economic analysis to make clear the wider socioeconomic benefits – including higher levels of economic growth from investment in social assistance. These gains and the well-established welfare case, underline the importance of social assistance to Viet Nam’s longer term development, and that it represents a high value investment in the future.