Small Grant Programme

Small Grant Programme

The Country Programme Strategy of the SGP Viet Nam (CPS) is developed to clearly outline for SGP Viet Nam the approach and GEF criteria – focal areas strategy framework for GEF 5 and eligible SGP interventions – in addition to providing guidance about operations, resource mobilization, monitoring and evaluation, and knowledge management. The CPS adapts the SGP global project document for OP 5 and PIF for pure STAR country programmes to specific country conditions, taking into account existing national strategies and plans, as well as those relating to national sustainable development and poverty eradication. The CPS puts emphasis on certain thematic and geographic focus to ensure synergy and impact, as well as to facilitate programme administration. The strategic directions and priorities for SGP Viet Nam are determined through a consultative process involving the National Steering Committee (NSC) and non-governmental organizations (NGO) and community-based organizations (CBO) partners.

SGP Viet Nam was launched in 1999.  Since then, it has developed into a fully operational programme and is now in its fifth operational phase. GEF status category for Viet Nam is 2b.

During 1999 - 2010, the country programme has funded 145 projects, amounting to US$ 7,570,000USD. In addition to the key sources of funding of SGP CORE and RAF, thanks to its fast and effective mechanism, SGP Viet Nam was used as a funding delivery mechanism for other global and regional projects, including UNDP GEF Community-based adaptation (SPA CBA), AusAID-funded Mekong Asia Pacific Community-based adaptation (MPA CBA), and UNEP South China Seas project (UNEP SCSs). Contribution from local stakeholders, including governments and NGOs/CBOs and communities, is a very strategic source of funding as it has significantly promoted local ownership, involvement and participation which ensure project success, sustainability and replication/upscaling of SGP projects.

Click here to read the Country Programme Strategy for utilization of OP5 grant funds

Click here(link is external) for more information

Contact information

Thu-Huyen Thi NGUYEN (Mrs)
National Coordinator cum Program Officer
Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme
Sustainable Development Cluster
Email: or