Workshop for signing MOU expressing intent for establishment of two PPI compacts in Dak R’lap and Dak Glong district

Speech by Mr. Patrick Haverman, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative in Viet Nam

July 12, 2024

Dear Mr. Pham Tuan Anh, Director General of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dak Nong province
Dear Mr. Le Quang Dan, Deputy Director General of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dak Nong province

Ladies and gentlemen,
I am delighted to welcome you all to this significant meeting on the signing of Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) between companies and district-level governments for Public-Private landscape coordination platforms (PPI compacts) in Dak Nong province. I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all the distinguished guests, representatives from the private sector, government officials, and colleagues who have joined us today. Your presence here underscores the collective commitment to the sustainable development of Dak R’lap and Dak Glong district and Dak Nong province.

Production, Protection and Inclusion, or PPI compacts, play a crucial role in fostering sustainable production, protection of forest-agriculture landscapes and social inclusion. It fits well with the jurisdictional approach of the “Integrated sustainable landscape management through deforestation-free jurisdiction project in Lam Dong and Dak Nong, Viet Nam” – the iLandscape project that UNDP is implementing in the two provinces together with our partners. Establishment and operation of 4 PPI compacts in the two provinces are identified amongst the key outcomes of iLandscape project.

These PPI compacts are vital as they bring together the strengths of both the public and private sectors, leveraging resources, expertise, and innovation to address development challenges. At the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), we are committed to promoting inclusive growth and sustainable development, and these PPI compacts align perfectly with our mission.

Today we are here to witness the signing of MOU expressing intent for establishment of two PPI compacts in Dak R’lap and Dak Glong district, Dak Nong province. I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to Dak R’lap and Dak Glong District People's Committee, IDH, and companies including Jacobs Douwe Egberts (JDE), Intimex My Phuoc Joint Stock Company, Louis Dreyfus Commodities Vietnam (LDC), Nedspice Processing Vietnam Ltd (Nedspice), and Branch of Olam International Limited in Pleiku (Olam). This event marks a significant milestone not only for Dak R’lap and Dak Glong districts but also for the entire Dak Nong province and the broader project. We anticipate this activity to foster a more dynamic business environment, enhance community well-being, and contribute to environmental sustainability of the district. 
However, we also acknowledge that this is only the beginning. Much work still lies ahead to ensure the successful establishment and operation of the PPI compact in two districts.

To achieve these ambitious goals, it is crucial to establish clear roles and responsibilities. The district-level governments will play a pivotal role in providing an enabling environment, while the companies involved will bring their expertise and resources to the table. Transparent communication and cooperation are essential to ensure the success of these projects. Let us commit to working together in a spirit of openness and trust.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
The success of these initiatives hinges on the strength of our collaboration. The mutual benefits for both the private sector and the community are profound. By working together, we can harness innovative solutions that drive shared prosperity. These partnerships are not just about economic gains; they are about building a future where everyone benefits.

In our pursuit of development, we must remain committed to sustainability. It is imperative that all projects under these PPI compacts incorporate sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. We encourage all participating companies to adhere to environmental regulations and contribute actively to the preservation of Dak Nong’s natural resources. Additionally, we believe that the PPI compacts will serve as a robust instrument to coordinate stakeholders’ efforts in addressing emerging issues in agricultural production and environmental protection, such as issues around the EU’s Deforestation Free Regulations (EUDR).

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Colleagues and friends,
UNDP stands firmly behind these partnerships. We are committed to providing the necessary support through technical assistance, capacity building, and ongoing monitoring. Our aim is to ensure that this initiative are implemented effectively and deliver the intended benefits.

As we move forward, I urge all parties to remain committed and proactive in the implementation of the MOU agreements. Let us work diligently to overcome any challenges and seize the opportunities that lie ahead. The positive impact these partnerships will have on Dak Nong province fills me with optimism. Together, we can achieve remarkable outcomes that will benefit the entire community.

In closing, I want to thank everyone for their dedication and collaborative spirit. Your commitment to these initiatives is truly inspiring. I look forward to witnessing the successful outcomes of these partnerships and continuing our collaboration for the sustainable development of 2 districts Dak R’lap, Dak G’long and Dak Nong province.
Thank you, and let us embark on this journey together with enthusiasm and determination.
I hope together we can make a difference to the forests and livelihoods in the Central Highlands. 
Thank you.