Walking the Talk on Gender Equality – UNDP Zambia Receives a Bronze Gender Equality Seal

UNDP Zambia receives a bronze Gender Equality Seal for outstanding efforts made towards achieving SDG 5, but the journey has only just begun

April 15, 2024
Image of the UNDP Zambia Country Office staff with a bronze ribbon with text that reads "Gender Equality Seal Bronze Certified"

UNDP Zambia gets awarded a Bronze Gender Equality Seal

Image captured by: Mulapwa Mukople/UNDP Zambia

UNDP Zambia has continued to walk the talk on Gender Equality by engendering it’s organisation processes, policies and programmes and implementing gender mainstreamed projects such as the GRZ-UN Joint Programme of Gender-Based Violence Phase I and II, leading to the launch of landmark initiatives, among which included building agency through the inclusion of girls in STEM careers. This focus and drive to transform gender inequalities in its work, led to the award of a Bronze Gender Equality Seal. But the journey has only just begun.

In April, Zambia joined 65 other UNDP Country Offices (COs) from across the globe for an award ceremony that highlighted the steps and achievements they have made to advance efforts towards achieving SDG 5: Gender Equality. The UNDP Gender Equality Seal is a certification programme that celebrates gender equality achievements across country offices, UN agencies, and public and private sector institutions. The certificate was designed to create a standard of measurement for organisations that are seeking to integrate gender equality principles into their programming and operations, by addressing root causes of gender inequality. This comprehensive approach boosts development impact by aligning with and mainstreaming efforts to enhance gender equality. To receive either a Bronze, Silver or the coveted Gold Gender Equality Seal, organisations must demonstrate efforts to mainstream gender equality principles and actions across 7 key areas, including: Management, Capacities, the Building of an Enabling Environment, Knowledge Management and Communications, Programmes and Projects, Partnerships, and in Results and Impact.

Key amongst the reasons for Zambia’s Bronze Award was for facilitating the adoption of the first Gender Equality Workplace Policy by the Zambia Police Service, promoting gender equality in the Zambia  Police Service’s processes, procedures, policies and operations nationwide. Outside of the CO’s programming, the office has also ensured high levels of inclusion within the organisation by incorporating gender perspectives into the overall organisation structure. Some of these initiatives included the implementation of gender responsive policies such as Prevention of Sexual Exploitation Abuse & Harassment (PSEA) with a responsive referral system rooted in victim centred approaches, gender responsive human resources management policies that places care on the needs of its employees into consideration through flexible work arrangements that allow staff to balance everyday work with their parental responsibilities, hence ensuring equality and equity in the organisation culture. Gender parity in the CO has also been ensured in the recruitment of staff through gender lensing the recruitment processes. 

The CO is acutely aware that while this milestone represents the cumulative efforts made by staff members towards advancing gender equality in-house and through its projects, there is still a long road ahead to achieving the gold standard. James Wakiaga, the Resident Representative of UNDP Zambia, shared:

“We are encouraged by this recognition and see it as a testament to our CO's commitment to Gender Equality. We see it as a launching pad given our resolute goal to achieve the gold standard. Through the process of gaining this Bronze Seal we have reflected on the gaps and the current status on how we are working on gender equality and development as a Country Office. It has also pointed us to how we can better our approach to attain the Gold standard of inclusivity in the office and in our interventions countrywide”

Development, public sector and private sector organisations are also encouraged to assess their progress towards achieving gender equality by applying for the Gender Equality Seal for Development, Public Intuitions, or for Private Sector Companies respectively. For more information, visit the Gender Equality Seal website.