UNDP's Small Grants Programme in Zambia publishes an open call for projects covering, Biodiversity Conservation, Protection of International Water, or Reduction of the Impact of Chemicals
Call for Project Proposals — Global Environment Facility (GEF) - Small Grants Programme (SGP): Operational Phase 7
July 14, 2023

Description of GEF-SGP Call for Project Concepts 2023
The Global Environment Facility (GEF), Small Grants Programme (SGP) implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Zambia is inviting eligible local communities, Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in largely vulnerable remote areas with women, the youth and persons with disabilities to submit innovative and relevant project ideas for initiatives that conserve and restore the environment while enhancing people’s livelihoods and wellbeing.
The GEF-SGP believes that it is at the community level where solutions and effective action can emerge to solve global problems. This falls under the principle of "thinking globally, acting locally". It has demonstrated this with providing funding to communities at the grassroot level that are working to make a significant difference in their livelihoods and on the environment. To this end, the GEF-SGP fund, under 7th operational phase (OP7) is now available. The SGP Zambia, hereby invites eligible organizations to submit their project proposals.
The project proposals should meet at least one criterion under the following thematic areas:
- Biodiversity Conservation,
- Protection of International Water,
- Reduction of the Impact of Chemicals.
The following landscapes are prioritised under OP7:
- Upper Zambezi landscape site - AER III: High rainfall, densely forested region where the source of the Zambezi River is located
- Middle Zambezi landscape site - AER II: Medium rainfall region with moderate forest cover, characterised by over harvesting of natural resources (logging, wildlife hunting, fishing) in the Western Province
- Lower Zambezi Landscape site - AER III: Low rainfall region, characterised by heavy deforestation, significant increases and fluctuations in temperatures and prominent land degradation
- Luapula Landscape
- Kafue Landscape
Project Duration: The duration of the proposed projects should not exceed 24 months.
- Should be locally registered NGOs/CBOs/CSO’s (at least 2 years),
- Have relevant experience and proven records of working with communities,
- Demonstrate strong community involvement in the planned or proposed project,
- Must have a strong organizational capacity to implement SGP projects and meet SGP requirements.
Budget: Grant amount will range from $5,000 to $50,000. Please note, $50,000 will be considered in exceptional situations. The implementation capacity of the CBO and/or CSO, and the idea being proposed will be taken into account when approving the grant amount.
We highly encourage less experienced communities and community organisations with relevant and innovative ideas to take part in SGP activities. We recommend that the less experienced be assisted by a local or national NGO/CSO, who will play a key role as mentors and partners. In such a case, a letter of intent should be submitted as an annex of the proposal.
Submission of Proposals: Project proposals must be submitted GEF Small Grants Programme - UNDP Zambia, at: gef.zm@undp.org and copy registry.zm@undp.org no later than 7th August 2023, 5:00pm.
For further clarification or additional information, kindly send an email to gef.zm@undp.org requesting for a short zoom meeting.
For more information and to review the submission documents, download the documents below: