Strengthening Supply Chain In Health Sector In Zambia

Project Overview

The Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) has been one of the major partners to the Government of Zambia in the national response to the three killer diseases namely HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. 

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as an Interim Principal Recipient (PR) of the GFATM has been managing the Global Fund Grants since 2010 and providing on-going technical support to the Ministry of Health and Medical Stores Limited (MSL) on strengthening its systems and capacity to manage the health program. 

MSL, that is mandated to store and distribute pharmaceuticals and medical supplies to public health institutions in Zambia, is facing serious storage space challenges. And it requires upgrading of its infrastructure in order to improve on the quality of logistics services it is providing to the public health sector.  

This project is aimed at increasing the storage capacity from 7,000m2 to 21,000m2 and improve on the storage and handling systems at MSL warehouses. The project is organised around three main objectives:

  • To Design and construct an extension building to the central MSL warehouse in Lusaka
  • To install modern handling equipment and stock management system at the central warehouse in Lusaka
  • To construct five (5) regional warehouses and distribution hubs in five provinces around the Country supported by district stores in selected areas

This will contribute to the Strengthening of Supply Chain Management in the Health Sector in Zambia by ensuring the quality of medical supplies and avoiding stock-outs of essential drugs in health facilities.

Expected Results and Outcomes

The project contributes to national priorities through the following MoH Strategic Plan, United Nations Strategic Development Partnership Framework (UNSPDF), and UNDP Country Programme Document Results:

  • Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
  • MoH Strategic Plan Outcome: Increased logistical capacity at the central level and peripheral level and improved handling infrastructure to strengthen the supply chain management system for the health commodities in Zambia
  • UNSPDF/CPD Outcome: By 2021 national institutions at all levels target, manage, coordinate and account for resources for equitable service delivery and economic growth that is based on reliable data.
  • CPD Output 2.2: MoH and partner organisations have revised policies, laws, systems and institutional arrangements for equitable, accountable and effective delivery of HIV and related services