The Steering Committee meeting of the “Livelihood Promotion in Tajik Afghan Cross-border Areas” (LITACA III) project was held in the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Tajikistan (MEDT).

8 December 2022, Dushanbe – The Steering Committee meeting of the “Livelihood Promotion in Tajik Afghan Cross-border Areas” (LITACA III) project was held in the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Tajikistan (MEDT).
The event was attended by Mr. Abdurahmon Abdurahmonzoda, Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan, Mr. Toshihiro Aiki, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Tajikistan, Mr. Takasaka Muneo, Chief Representative of JICA Tajikistan Office, Mr. Yuya Sato, Representative of JICA Afghanistan Office, Mr. Lenni Montiel Resident Representative of UNDP in Tajikistan and Ms. Surayo Buzurukova, Senior Deputy Resident Representative of UNDP Afghanistan.
“Today it is a pleasure to note that the LITACA project will be implemented till March 2025. MEDT and local administrations of the remote districts are highly appreciated support of the project during the tough time. LITACA contributes to the implementation of the long-term National Development Strategy 2030. MEDT appreciates high level of collaboration with development partners (JICA, UNDP) and hopes for continuation of the fruitful cooperation aimed at sustainable development of the region” - said Mr. Abdurahmon Abdurahmonzoda.
LITACA III project aims to improve border communities’ access to rural infrastructure and public services, to increase employment opportunities for men and women, and to improve access for cross border trade, dialogue, and partnerships. It promotes opportunities for rural women as well as vulnerable and marginalized groups, aimed to improve economic stability and community resilience in the bordering areas. LITACA III works with communities on both sides of the border between Afghanistan and Tajikistan, aiming to promote trade cooperation between the two countries. In Tajikistan, the project covers Khatlon region and Kunduz, Takhar, Badakhshan and Balkh provinces of Afghanistan.
“Afghanistan is facing fragility and challenges on multiple fronts. In this context the role of development projects, such as LITACA becomes important to improve livelihood of people, particularly women. LITACA III aims to improve living standards in the bordering provinces of Tajikistan and Afghanistan, as well as access to public infrastructure and livelihood tools to local communities. We would like to thank the Government of Japan and JICA for its generous and continued support to LITACA and other UNDP Afghanistan projects” - mentioned Ms. Surayo Buzurukova.
“The synergy of actions allows us to improve the result of our efforts to improve the quality of local products for export, and the development economic opportunities for the population. We build our strategic vision and plans for 2023 based on lessons learned, while taking into account emerging problems and risks for projects. Comprehensive and inclusive approach, close cooperation with partners in national and local levels and consistent monitoring of results are key success factors for us” - noted Mr. Lenni Montiel.
The LITACA Steering Committee members discussed implementation of the LITACA project in 2022 and approved annual work plan for 2023.
LITACA III started in April 2021 and is supposed to last till March 2025. The project objectives have been achieved through comprehensive activities including capacity building and promotion of added value chain development, agri-business through implementation of innovative techniques and attraction of local and international experts, development of opportunities for farmers in remote districts, creation of employment opportunities for rural women, returned migrants and young people at the local level and export of the products.
Livelihood Promotion in Tajik Afghan Cross-Border Areas – Phase III (LITACA III) is a four-year programmatic intervention in the bordering districts of Tajikistan and Afghanistan. The project is financed by the Government of Japan through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and implemented by UNDP Tajikistan and Afghanistan.