12-13 October 2022, Accra, Ghana
Event Details
12 - 13 October 2022
Accra, Ghana
Date: 12-13 October 2022
Format: Hybrid (with in-person element in Accra, Ghana; and remote participation)
Venue: Accra Marriot Hotel, Accra, Ghana
Concept note: English (PDF)
Registration: Google Docs
Programme: English (Web)
Flyer: JPEG
Logistics note for participants: English (PDF)
For queries related the Regional Forum, please contact: questions@africabhrforum.org
The African Business and Human Rights Forum, which will be held 12-13 October 2022, will bring together stakeholders from across Africa to take stock of progress and discuss challenges and opportunities for promoting responsible business conduct and corporate accountability in the region. The Forum is convened by the African Union (AU) and co-organised by AU, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights, and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeiten (GIZ), in close collaboration with a series of local and regional actors, namely ACCA, NANHRI, FES, RWI, DIHR, IOE, the ILO, OECD, A4ID, GBI and others.
The Forum is envisioned as an annual event aiming to devise a coherent continental platform for discussing how to promote and ensure responsible business conduct in Africa. It will provide an invaluable opportunity for stakeholders, including AU member states, businesses and civil society, to learn about progress and challenges, to share best practices, to identify needs and engage in peer-learning through constructive dialogue.
Forum Format
The African Business and Human Rights Forum will be held on 12-13 October 2022, with 11 October 2022 (referred to as “Day 0”) dedicated to pre-Forum sessions, including private meetings before the official start day of the regional Forum. The Forum will follow a hybrid format to ensure broad participation from civil society, businesses, trade unions, and National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs). In-person participation will be held in Accra, Ghana.
Dedicated thematic sessions focusing on major trends and challenges in the region will be held over the course of the two days. In addition, stakeholders will have the chance to convene private meetings before the opening of the Forum.