Strengthening Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Young Key Populations in Law and Policy: A Handbook for Decision Makers

Strengthening Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Young Key Populations in Law and Policy: A Handbook for Decision Makers
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March 12, 2024
"Strengthening Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Young Key Populations in Law and Policy: A Handbook for Decision Makers" provides practical guidance to decision makers to support efforts to end inequalities. It identifies some of the key barriers to sexual and reproductive health and rights for young key populations. It suggests ways in which law- and policymakers across government, in the health, justice, gender and youth sectors, can create much-needed protective laws, policies, strategies and programmes for young key populations. Most importantly, it emphasizes how to involve young key populations themselves in all efforts to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights for all, leaving no one behind.