UNDP Albania
UNDP Albania has issued a Call for Proposals in the framework of the “Strengthen national and local systems to support the effective socio-economic integration of returnees in the Western Balkans”, an EU financed United Nations Development Programme action, to support projects in the field of “Socio-economic reintegration of (Roma and Egyptian) Returnees”, proposed by Civil Society Organizations based and/or operating in the municipalities of Devoll, Berat and Fier, in Albania.
Please read the guidelines in the documents for more details.
Full Proposals must be submitted signed and scanned electronically. The submitted Project Proposals can be in both English or Albanian language. However, it is obligatory that they also contain a one-page summary in English language comprising objectives, main expected results and key activities.
Electronic address: registry.al@undp.org
The deadline for the receipt of complete proposals is 31 October 2023.