Building Bridges

UNDP Albania

Our partners

Partnerships stand at the heart of our work in Albania. Our partners include: the Government of Albania, the United Nations system, international development partners, international financial institutions, local governments, the private sector, civil society and the media.

UNDP offers a national presence. Our substantial expertise—both intellectual acumen and practical experience—cuts across diverse development issues. These valuable assets combined with our long legacy of trust have made us a partner of choice.



The Government of Albania is our key development partner. UNDP works closely with the Executive, line ministries throughout the programme implementation cycle to  boost reforms, promote inclusive economic growth, and to assist Albania in its European Integration path and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.


United Nations System

UNDP is a member of the United Nations Country Team in Albania. UNDP is part of a single, coherent plan for all 17 UN agencies, funds and programmes, entitled the Programme of Cooperation for Sustainable Development.(link is external)The  Programme  is well aligned with the National Strategy for Development and Integration and it reflects national development priorities and international commitments, along with United Nations norms and standards. The Programme continues to build upon the “Delivering as One” approach. UNDP’s integrator mandate serves both as a foundation for a strong UN development system, and as a key provider of integrated services and platforms in support of a coherent UN system approach to the achievement of the SDGs.


Private Sector

The private sector can make an important contribution to development by fostering innovation, providing funding, and promoting entrepreneurship in developing countries. To facilitate inclusive market development, UNDP focuses on connecting and integrating local producers with domestic and global markets.


Civil Society Organizations

For UNDP, civil society constitutes the full range of formal and informal organizations that are outside the state and market. This includes social movements, volunteer organizations, mass-based membership organizations, non-governmental organizations, and community-based organizations, as well as communities and citizens acting individually and collectively. UNDP partners with civil society organizations in programme implementation and policy advocacy.