Inauguration of Reconstructed "Emin Duraku" School in Tirana: A Milestone in EU4Schools Programme

1,300 Students, 59 Teachers, and 87,000 Community Members to Benefit from State-of-the-Art Educational Facility

June 7, 2024
Inauguration of Reconstructed "Emin Duraku" School in Tirana: A Milestone in EU4Schools Programme

The 9-year school “Emin Duraku” in Tirana has been officially inaugurated, marking a significant milestone in the EU-funded “EU4Schools” Programme. This educational facility directly benefits 1,300 students, 59 teachers, and 87,000 community members, showcasing a profound commitment to rebuilding and modernizing educational infrastructure in the wake of the 2019 earthquake. Impacted by the 2019 earthquake, "Emin Duraku" school has been reconstructed from the ground up, adhering to the highest standards of safety and teaching. The new facility includes:

  • Advanced Laboratories: Chemistry, Biology, Physics, IT, Arts & Music labs
  • Comprehensive Amenities: Library, multifunctional room, psychological and medical facilities, dentistry
  • Sports and Accessibility: Indoor gym, outdoor sports field, and accessible facilities with an elevator and ramps

The school is equipped with a high-end internal engineering network, including:

  • Efficient lighting and energy-efficient central heating and cooling system
  • CCTV surveillance, emergency exits, and a fire protection system

This extensive reconstruction effort, benefiting a broad community, represents a total investment of 379,450,744.90 ALL funded by the European Union. The “Emin Duraku” school is part of the broader “EU4Schools”, a €75 million programme aimed at reconstructing or repairing 63 educational facilities across 11 earthquake-affected municipalities. The programme is implemented by UNDP Albania in collaboration with the Government of Albania and local governments in the progamme areas. 

The reconstruction adheres to two key principles:

  • Build Back Better: Focused on creating stronger, safer, and more disaster-resilient infrastructure and systems
  • Build Back Together: Engaging the community in public consultations to influence the design and reconstruction process

The inauguration was attended by: Ogerta Manastirliu, Minister of Education and Sports, Erion Veliaj, Mayor of Tirana, Andre Rizzo, Head of Political Section, Monica Merino, UNDP Resident Representative
The “EU4Schools” Programme emphasizes transparency and accountability. To facilitate communication with stakeholders and the public, an online transparency portal has been established at EU4Schools Transparency Portal.

All educational facilities under the “EU4Schools” Programme adhere to the highest standards of construction, utilizing eco-friendly materials and conforming to Eurocode 8. Accessibility for persons with disabilities is ensured, with new sports courts, dedicated infirmaries, psychologist rooms, and fire escape stairs incorporated into the designs.

About EU4Schools

The “EU4Schools” Programme, funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP Albania in partnership with the Government of Albania, focuses on the reconstruction and modernization of educational facilities affected by the 2019 earthquake, aiming to provide safer, more resilient, and inclusive educational environments. To date 57 out of 63 education facilities have been completed.