Strengthening Budget Transparency in the MENA Region
Strengthening Budget Transparency in the MENA Region
October 10, 2023
The public budget is a powerful tool to contribute to socioeconomic progress and strengthening governance in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region: embracing budget transparency can enhance resource allocation and contribute to building trust in public institutions. With considerable heterogeneity across countries, the MENA region ranks very low in global comparative terms in all key indicators of the Open Budget Survey (OBS). Building on some encouraging country-specific experiences, the MENA region should scale up efforts on budget transparency.
These should be tailored to each country’s specific context, addressing key constraints of limited budget implementation reporting while strengthening formal oversight institutions – the Legislature and Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) – in their role, as well as fostering public participation. Intensifying efforts across stakeholders can facilitate steps forward in this critical regional agenda for the benefit of all citizens.