UNDP Sudan: Towards democracy, socioeconomic trasnformation and prosperity

UNDP Sudan: Towards democracy, socioeconomic trasnformation and prosperity
June 25, 2020
Years of conflict and poor governance have hindered Sudan’s economic potential. Poverty remains endemic. Sudan’s large youth demographic – 62 percent of the population are under the age of 24 – suffer one-third unemployment. Conflict, food insecurity and climate change have contributed to more than two million people displaced, with an additional 1.1 million refugees spread across the country. With COVID-19 further exacerbating Sudan’s socioeconomic challenges, the transition is under additional stress. But, while the challenges Sudan faces are significant, it retains many assets: a youthful workforce, fertile land, natural resources, and a population determined to achieve a new Sudan.
Sudan’s transition remains a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to build an inclusive, nationwide peace process, a resilient economy, a refreshed social contract, and a new Sudan. The attached report outlines UNDP’s four programme priorities in Sudan. With women and youth at the centre, we intend to deliver these through a Whole-of-Government and Whole-of-Society approach, in support of the Transitional Government, and working seamlessly with UN sister agencies and the United Nations Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS).