UNDP supports launching of plans of action in eight governorates to combat violent extremism

July 14, 2024

The Office of the National Security Advisory in Iraq (ONSA) has launched a critical initiative to develop localized action plans aimed at combating violent extremism, leading to terrorism, in eight Iraqi governorates. This significant step was marked by a three-day workshop in Erbil conducted in collaboration with UNDP and ONSA with financial support of the Government of Denmark. 

The workshop gathered subcommittees from Baghdad, Babil, Missan, Salahudin, Diwaniya, Muthana, and Wassit to draft specific action plans tailored to their regions' unique needs. Ali Abdalla, Chairperson for the National Committee to Combat Violent Extremism, emphasized the importance of preventive measures in governorates that have yet to experience extremism directly. He also highlighted the priority of reintegrating returnees and ending displacement in liberated areas, following the government's directive from early 2024.

Judy Wakahiu, UNDP’s Team Leader for the Social Cohesion Pillar, reinforced UNDP's dedication to supporting the Iraqi government in its efforts to combat violent extremism. "As a development organization, UNDP firmly believes that sustainable development cannot be achieved without peace, nor can peace be achieved without development," she stated.

Participants engaged in open discussions on violent extremism, setting the stage for innovative approaches to combat it. Ahlam Mohammed from the Muthana Governorate PVE subcommittee highlighted the crucial role of education and good parenting in preventing violent extremism. “An uneducated child, a violent father, a wrong upbringing can lead to extremism,” she noted.

The workshop will be followed by consultations at the governorate level, involving religious, tribal, and civic leaders, women, youth, and other community members. These consultations aim to identify drivers of extremism and develop initiatives to address them. A delegate from the Missan Governorate PVE Subcommittee stressed the importance of dialogue, noting, “Not every extremist is a terrorist. Some, with a little push in the right direction, could become influencers to protect the community.”

The development of the PVE Action Plan is supported by the Government of Denmark. In 2023, UNDP facilitated the creation of action plans in seven governorates, including ThiQar, Basra, Karbala, Najaf, Anbar, Diyala, and Kirkuk.