a herd of sheep grazing on a lush green hillside

Strengthened Community Resilience through Energy Efficiency and Low Emission Development

What we do


The “Strengthened Community Resilience through Energy Efficiency and Low-Emission Development” project is implemented by UNDP in partnership with the Alaverdi Municipality and is funded by the Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency (Sida). The project is coordinated by the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure.




The project objective is to enhance the economic, environmental, and social resilience of Alaverdi consolidated community of Armenia by developing, piloting and scaling a model for energy efficient and low carbon development that can be replicated in other communities of the country. 


The project elaboration was initiated by UNDP in 2021 in the context of agreed strategic priorities for supporting development outcomes in Armenia and is aligned with the commitments the country assumed under the Paris Agreement. It is also aligned with Swedish international development cooperation priorities, as articulated in Sweden’s global development cooperation in the areas of environmental sustainability, sustainable climate and oceans, and sustainable use of natural resources. 


The project major outputs are (i) to enhance capacity and awareness on low carbon development practices for green recovery, (ii) to improve energy savings in public facilities and residential buildings and (iii) to enhance access to green and affordable energy sources.


Some results so far


Component 1: Inception Phase, Stocktaking and full-size project detailed workplan development


The Inception phase of the project, initiated in January 2022 and completed with the Local Project Appraisal Committee (LPAC) meeting held in Yerevan on July 06, received the consent of government counterparts

The official mission of the Sida representative to Alaverdi and Yerevan in early July finalized the achievements of the Inception phase. The full-size Project Document was signed by UNDP in September 2022.

Component 2: Enhanced capacity and awareness on low carbon development practices for green recovery

Energy Management System (EMS) was established in Alaverdi Municipality. EMS procedures and data collection forms developed. Baseline data of energy consumption (electricity, natural gas and water) of 82 community public facilities in all settlements is collected for the last four years (2020-2023). The database of energy consumption of community street lighting is collected for all 28 settlements and was submitted to the community as an important input for improved energy management and used for development of funding proposal. According to the results of the inventory, there are a total of 273 streets in the urban and rural areas of the Alaverdi community. Project supported community in improving the funding proposal and ensured co-financing of 80 LED lamps for 2.6 km of street lighting.

2 awareness raising events organized with participation of 80 youth were organized. 4 video reports and 6 articles disseminated through local channels, web-site and social networks. Video materials have 40,000 and articles 854,394 reach viewers.

Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia approved the short-term training program in Alaverdi State Vocational College (ASVC) for 2023-2024․ "Renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies" programme and teaching modules introduced in the College. 6 specialists of the College trained. 16 training sessions (4 hours each) conducted for ASVC staff. EE and RES laboratory equipped for practical lessons. ASVC specialists (6 selected) conducted short-term training for 2 groups (total 22 participants). In parallel with the short-term educational program startting from September 2024 the Alaverdi College launched long-term (3-year) educational program.

Component 3: Energy savings improved in public facilities and residential buildings

With contribution from the State subvention program, the community, and UNDP-Sida project, 36 residential buildings in the Alaverdi community were thermally retrofitted in 2022-2023, from which 2 for full and 34 for partial EE refurbishment

The reconstruction works of Alaverdi kindergarten No.6 are included in 2023 State subvention programme. Works were launched in August 2023 and are currently in progress. The tentative date for completion of works is set as December 2024.

Reconstruction, with seismic strengthening and full thermal refurbishment of the building envelop components (external walls, roofs, replacement of doors and windows), installation of LED lighting and new efficient heating system, internal renovation, Installation of rooftop PV system.

The reconstruction of the community Cultural House (former Child Creativity Center) included in 2023 State subvention programme (repair the roof, doors, windows, interior decoration and partial furnishing). 

Solar PV roof-top systems:  Installed in Childcare Center (5.5 kW, 0.4 mln/year AMD saving in energy expenses); kindergartens No. 2, No. 7 and in No 6 (under construction). In total 35 kW installed capacity will generate per annum around 52,600 kWh energy, ensuring 2.6 mln AMD savings in energy expenses, and 20.5 tons reduction of CO2 emissions.

Component 4: Enhanced access to green and affordable energy sources

Photovoltaic plants in residential sector: 50 vulnerable families from rural settlements included in the list of 131 beneficiaries were identified and selected in close consultation with Alaverdi municipality and Project’s partner HEBA NGO representatives.  The selected company will start installation of 2kW roof mounted PV systems for each household, from 1st of November 2024. The PVs system will ensure around 2,600 kWh/year energy thus ensuring coverage of basic energy needs for each household in need.

Community owned utility scale 500 kW solar plant, the construction contract is signed, and works are in progress. The plant will generate around 0.9 mln kWh/year energy, ensuring 20.3 mln AMD annual income to be fed in community budget.


Community Solar PV plant 900 MWh of electricity annual generation, about 20 million RA drams received annually will be used to finance sustainable community development and energy efficiency improvement projects.