Business, Human Rights and the Environment - Survey Summary


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Business, Human Rights and the Environment - Survey Summary

April 22, 2021

Over a three-week period, UNDP Business and Human Right in Asia programme (B+HR Asia), alongside UNEP and other partners, hosted an online survey to capture perceptions of environmental risks and their relationships to human rights abuses. Respondents were also asked for their views on the most effective means of addressing the challenges these risks and abuses posed. With inputs from our partners at the European Union (EU), the results will help inform UNDP programming efforts on business, human rights, and the environment (BHR/E) in Asia in the coming years.

The Survey on Human Rights and the Environment, involved 13 questions and elicited 609 responses from business and civil society actors, government officials, employees of multilateral institutions, students, and people from other walks of life. While the perception survey does not provide a definitive picture, it does provide clues and indications. 

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