Fair Business Environment Lab
June 10, 2019
Bangkok, 10 June 2019 - To develop innovative solutions for business integrity and sustainable development, UNDP organized a one-day “Fair Business Environment Lab” on 10 June 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand. This Lab was the first of its kind under the regional initiative on Promoting a Fair Business Environment in ASEAN.
The overarching purpose of the Lab was to strengthen multi-stakeholder collaboration, bringing different actors (business associations, government, civil society, technical experts and UNDP country offices) together to design and implement solutions to the challenges around business integrity which they face in their countries.
Multi-stakeholder efforst to boost business integrity is particularly crucial in this context, given that ASEAN region is one of the largest economies in the world; and yet, corruption and weak governance are among its top concerns. According to the 2017 ASEAN Business Outlook Survey conducted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the majority of businesses in the region (65 percent) listed corruption and inefficient law enforcement practices as major challenges to doing business in ASEAN.
The jointly designed collaboration platforms and solutions to business integrity will inform further respective in-country partnerships and implementation. UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub will also announce a call for proposal in August, and looks forward to selecting its funding awardees from among these initiatives.
Meeting Report