Introducing the International Framework for Court of Excellence and Judicial Integrity Evaluation Criteria in Viet Nam

December 20, 2022
Event Details

20 December 2022

In Hanoi, UNDP organized the conference "International Framework for Court Excellence and Judicial Integrity Checklist" in collaboration with the Supreme People's Court of Viet Nam.

The event is part of the implementation of the UNDP JIN ASEAN project, funded by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement, and designed to enhance judicial integrity and promote court excellence, particularly focusing on transparency, integrity and accountability in the ASEAN region.

The workshop gathered 80 judges from the Supreme People's Court, the high courts and provincial courts. It set a landmark for the Vietnamese judiciary system as the International Framework for Court Excellence (IFCE) and the Judicial Integrity Checklist were introduced for the first time to Vietnamese judges.

The IFCE is built on a set of values and applies a holistic approach to court performance through the seven areas of Court Excellence. Courts can use the Framework for self-assessment, then identify areas for improvement and develop improvement plans for their courts.

Read the article in the media (Vietnamese) and social media.