Revitalizing the Supreme Court’s Oversight Information System in Advancing the Court Excellence in Indonesia
Addressing the issue of judicial integrity is at the center of Indonesia’s Judicial Reform Phase 2 (2010-2035) which puts special emphasis on the reform of the accountability system through improving the supervision system and the information disclosure system. In 2016 the Supreme Court has launched a Web-based Oversight Information System called SIWAS MA RI at
This system integrates eight mediums that can be used to submit complaints, namely: SIWAS MA RI Application, Short Message Service, Electronic Letter, Facsimile, Phone Number, Complaint Desk, Letter and Complaint Box. The availability of SIWAS provides wider opportunities for any whistleblowers to report their concerns on the judicial system with full anonymity.
After being operationalized in the last six years, there are growing concerns about the SIWAS feedback mechanism to the whistleblowers’ reports. Based on the information from the Judicial Reform Team Office, there are many cases where the whistleblowers do not get proper feedback on the status of their reports.
The proposed initiative in revitalizing the oversight mechanism of the judicial system through technological advancement is pivotal to not only a good working democracy, but also to ensure quality, impartial and gender-responsive judicial services to society, particularly vulnerable populations with a lack of access to justice, including women and 9,8% of Indonesia’s population living under the poverty line.
Internal and external oversight mechanisms of the judiciary to improve transparency, integrity, and accountability are enhanced while upholding gender equality principles and the rule of law.
To revitalize the Monitoring Dashboard function of SIWAS at the national and sub-national levels to support the Indonesia Court Performance Excellence implementation
To strengthen the capacity of the duty bearers in implementing the revitalized SIWAS system
The Judicial Reform Team Office and the Oversight Body of the Supreme Court
Justice seekers and Duty bearers particularly at the sub-national level (Appeal
and District Courts)
Conducting comprehensive and gender-responsive needs assessment in the current SIWAS, particularly in the Monitoring Dashboard (May – June 2022)
Upgrading the Monitoring Dashboard function in SIWAS, based on the results of the need assessment, which caters for the specific needs of men and women (October – December 2022)
Organizing a series of gender-responsive capacity building sessions for relevant personnel on the revitalized system to meet the specific protection needs of women and men as whistleblowers and increased knowledge of apparatus in gender issues (October 2022 – March 2023)
Conducting a series of advocacy meetings with high and medium levels officials to improve the responsiveness in managing the incoming reports, in a gender-responsive and socially inclusive manner (July 2022 – June 2023)