Jakarta, 27-28 February 2023
In partnership with the Supervisory Body of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia (BAWAS), the two-day Focus Group Discussion with experts in handling whistle-blower complaints by enhancing monitoring features, as well as gender, and disability access organized by UNDP JIN ASEAN contributed to improving accountability and social inclusion in the whistleblowing system (SIWAS) through digital technology.
The Supervisory Board introduced the first digital public whistleblowing system in 2009, which was transformed into a monitoring system application in 2016. Six years after SIWAS 1.0 was launched, the system's renewal provided the Board with more effective support in implementing the supervisory duties both externally and internally.
The workshop, attended by the Head of BAWAS, gender and disability experts, High Supervisory Judge and Judicial Judge, provided valuable input for the system revitalization process, which is necessary to support the Supreme Court Supervisory Board in handling complaints and effectively resolving allegations of violations of court apparatus behaviour.
As a result, BAWAS endorsed increasing monitoring features to increase accountability for internal and external users, as well as incorporating gender responsive and disability inclusion features into SIWAS.