Corruption in Pacific Island Countries

Corruption in Pacific Island Countries
June 17, 2015
The report utilises the following structure. Section One provides an overview of the background to the report and the methodologies used in its writing. Section One also provides an overview of human development in the Pacific as well as a discussion of the relationship between human development and corruption. Section Two provides an overview of the history, politics and culture of the Pacific Island Cultures. Section Three looks at the issue of corruption in the Pacific, looking at the sectors where it is present and the forms of corruption that occur in the region before moving on to a discussion of the impacts of corruption. This section also looks at anti-corruption efforts in the Pacific with a particular focus on the efforts of bi-lateral and multilateral actors. The section ends by exploring the work being done by regional bodies and non-government organisations. Section Four looks at the interrelationship between culture and corruption in light of the human development approach.
Section Five then provides a conclusion and summary of possible areas for concrete action.