Making Schools Safer

Making Schools Safer
September 1, 2015
Unsafe schools are a reality. In developing countries like India, schools are often located in vulnerable areas and unprepared to respond to emergencies. The promotion of disaster awareness, preparedness and mitigation in schools across Asia has enormous potential for diminishing the occurrence and impact of such emergencies. In the end, it is parents and school children that can make schools safer. This knowledge product aims to help trainers across the region extend safety with teachers and households in poor and disaster-prone areas.
The manual would be most useful for school administrators and teachers in India and other countries in the South, particularly in earthquake prone countries. It covers:
1) The importance of reducing risks in schools
2) The necessity of conducting a School Safety Audit
3) Successful school safety initiatives that can be replicated
4) Ways to integrate disaster risk reduction into school curricula to empower children in promoting safer communities.