Strengthening the Governance of Social Protection: The Role of Local Government


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Strengthening the Governance of Social Protection: The Role of Local Government

June 17, 2015

This regional analysis provides an overview of the current situation in the delivery of social protection programmes in seven countries in Asia, including Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Nepal and Timor-Leste. Particular attention has been given to non-contributory social transfers, which are considered to be the main instruments targeted specifically at poor and vulnerable people, and which are financed from general government revenues. Furthermore, it presents an analysis of the present de-jure and de-facto mandates and functions of local governments to deliver different types of social protection programmes.

The findings will be useful for national and local governments to formulate and implement programmes that can address specific challenges related to the effective delivery of social protection at the local and national levels for the most vulnerable and marginalized.


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