Rising Up for SIDS

UNDP’s integrated SIDS offer Rising Up for SIDS articulates a clear strategy to respond to their most pressing needs as well as bring forth innovative solutions to the complex developmental challenges they face for a better future for people and planet. This offer acts as a vehicle for recovery committing to enhancing current support in areas of climate action, blue economy and digital transformation, with innovative development finance as an enabling cross-cutting area.

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SIDS are among the most vulnerable countries in the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated challenges faced by SIDS. Despite the disproportionate vulnerabilities they face, SIDS are displaying courageous global leadership and pioneering change. UNDP's Offer Rising Up for SIDS responds to the most pressing needs of island states, supporting them in turning challenges into opportunities for prosperous and transformative recovery. UNDP is enhancing support for and investment in climate action, blue economy and digital transformation with sustainable development finance as a cross-cutting enabling lever. By amplifying ambitions, leveraging innovative development solutions and fostering genuine and durable partnerships, UNDP will support SIDS in safeguarding progress on the SAMOA Pathway, the 2030 Agenda and building back better, bluer and greener. Let us come together and rise up for SIDS.

Small island developing states have the potential to become incubators of innovation, advancing technological solutions with the possibility to be replicated and scaled up and to catalyse transformative change. Digital technologies have proven powerful tools in response and recovery efforts. Within SIDS, locally led initiatives have used digital solutions to battle misinformation, provide remote areas with medical supplies and ensure business continuity of MSMEs. UNDP's Offer 'Rising Up for SIDS' responds to the most pressing needs of island states, supporting them in turning challenges into opportunities for prosperous and transformative green recovery.

SIDS are among the most vulnerable countries in the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated challenges faced by SIDS. Despite the disproportionate vulnerabilities they face, SIDS are displaying courageous global leadership and pioneering change. UNDP's Offer Rising Up for SIDS responds to the most pressing needs of island states, supporting them in turning challenges into opportunities for prosperous and transformative recovery. As part of UNDP's SIDS offer, UNDP is supporting countries promote decarbonized and resilient societies through scaled up climate action.