The EU and UNDP produced 145,000 posters on COVID-19 for the elderly

April 23, 2020

Spread the information not the virus! 145,000 information leaflets on COVID-19 protection and emergency contacts will soon appear in public transport in Belarus. The materials are designed and printed with the EU support to bring to the attention of the elderly people simple rules of how they can stay away from the coronavirus and what to do in case of health emergency.

Dissemination of accurate information is critical to ensuring that older people have clear messages and resources on how to stay physically and mentally healthy during the pandemic and what to do if they fall ill.

The leaflets are donated to the Red Cross Belarus volunteers who help to spread the information across cities and rural areas of Belarus.

The leaflets are designed and printed by the UN BELMED project, funded by the EU and implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Health of Belarus.

The leaflets are available at the link.