Assisting the Government of the Republic of Belarus in Accession to the World Trade Organization (Phase 5)

What is the project about?

The project "Assisting the Government of the Republic of Belarus in Accession to the World Trade Organization through Strengthening National Institutional Capacity and Expertise (Phase 5)" is aimed at assisting the Government of the Republic of Belarus in accession to the World Trade Organization through strengthening national (public) institutional capacity and raising public awareness about Belarus’ WTO accession process and impacts.

Phase 5 of the Project will ensure targeting and efficiency of the international technical assistance through building upon the outputs of the previous four phases and the new arrangements for WTO related work in Belarus at the expert level. Phase 5 will be a logical follow-up of the project allowing to engage international expertise, to employ the established network of national consultants and available analytical instruments and channels of collaboration with the regions, business associations and entrepreneurial community.

Project Component

The Phase 5 of the project aims to support the Government of the Republic of Belarus in this process and consists of three major components:

Component 1. Operational support of the negotiation process on Belarus’ accession to WTO.  

Component 2. Finalization of national capacity building for preparation of the country for subsequent membership in WTO .

Component 3. Raising awareness of business community about the rules of work in the context of Belarus’ membership in WTO.