Results of the Public Call for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises for Training and Technical Assistance in the Field of Cybersecurity

October 2, 2024
chart, sunburst chart

During 2023, the Sustainable Development Sector of UNDP BiH, with financial support from the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany, launched a pilot initiative aimed at raising awareness and resilience in cybersecurity among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This initiative provides comprehensive training to selected companies and trainers from relevant institutions across Bosnia and Herzegovina.

On August 27, 2024, as part of the aforementioned initiative, a public call was announced inviting all qualified companies from Bosnia and Herzegovina to apply for participation in a specialized training program and technical assistance in the field of cybersecurity.


Following the evaluation process and in accordance with the guidelines of this public call, 12 companies were selected to participate in the program. The selected companies include:


1. AB Team d.o.o.

2. ODM Collections d.o.o.

3. Klaus Lehmann GmbH d.o.o.

4. PARTNER Mikrokreditno društvo d.o.o.

5. Finit consulting d.o.o.

6. EMPRESS d.o.o.

7. RIS d.o.o.

8. KAMER Commerce d.o.o.

9. ICE-NET d.o.o.


11. Gala Group d.o.o.

12. Smrčak d.o.o.


The program is designed to empower small and medium-sized enterprises by increasing their understanding of cyber threats and strengthening their defenses against potential cyber-attacks.