Residential baner2

Decarbonization of Residential Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Residential project


The average energy consumption in residential buildings in Bosnia and Herzegovina is over five times more than the specific annual energy consumption in residential buildings in EU countries located in similar climate conditions. Residential housing sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina is also recognized as the sector with the largest potential for cost-effective energy savings. More than 98% of residential buildings were constructed in the period up to 2010, before any energy efficiency regulations for buildings have been put in place. Therefore, almost all residential buildings were built without consideration of their energy performance, let alone carbon footprint. They have poor thermal insulation and old heating and lightning systems. Also, due to investments, the residential housing stock in Bosnia and Herzegovina is now in a poor state and urgently needs repair.  

Besides energy saving potential, by enhancing their energy performance, residential buildings also have significant potential for reduction of GHG emissions, through implementation of fuel-switch measures. An increase in energy efficiency of residential sector will thus bring health benefits and improvement of quality of life of overall population. This transformational change in energy sector can only happen if the capacity and skills of the relevant institutions and professionals are strengthened in parallel with establishment of the system that enables financing for energy efficiency infrastructure projects while generating green jobs and reducing CO2 emissions.  

The Project aims to achieve result in a real and visible paradigm shift in the residential building sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina towards low-carbon sustainable development, as specifically recommended in the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), the National Communication to the UNFCCC and the National Climate Change Strategy of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Residential project objective

To develop energy efficiency studies and financial mechanisms in 36 cities and municipalities, providing detailed insights and identifying necessary investments for improvements. This will help establish foundations for scaling up investment in low-carbon residential buildings across Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Project components 

Project objectives will be achieved by effectively addressing non-financial barriers to low-carbon investment in residential buildings in Bosnia and Herzegovina through the following activities:

Activity 1: Creation of energy efficiency studies of residential sector in each participating Municipality/City

Activity 2: Development of overall Municipal/City financial and policy mechanisms for implementation of energy efficiency measures under this project and beyond

Activity 3: Facilitation of public awareness-raising campaign and citizens' education in win-win energy efficiency benefits 

Residential 01
Expected results

Creation of 36 energy efficiency studies of residential sector in each participating Municipality/City with:

  • Baseline inventory of the overall housing stock in the municipality/city;

  • Aggregated data on the current energy needs of the entire residential building stock;

  • Proposed measures to improve the energy efficiency of residential buildings;

  • Amount of investment required for implementation of the proposed energy efficiency measures;

  • Economic evaluation indicators for the proposed energy efficiency measures;

  • Energy savings/annual energy consumption of residential building stock after implementation of energy efficiency measures;

  • GHG emission reduction/annual GHG emissions in residential building stock after implementation of energy efficiency measures;

  • Analysis of key barriers hindering citizens to undertake energy efficiency refurbishment of their dwellings with recommendation on most efficient local solutions;

  • Develop overall Municipal/City financial and policy mechanisms for implementation of energy efficiency measures;

  • Development of 36 sustainable financial schemes (required for continuous low-carbon investment in residential housing stock, for the period after the project ends);

  • Capacity building and education of municipal/city officials performed;  

  • Facilitation of public awareness-raising campaign and citizens' education in win-win energy efficiency benefits;

  • Public awareness campaign; 

  • Educational sessions targeting residents in municipalities/cities.


2021 - 2024


Government of Sweden


EUR 2,200.000

Main partners:

Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina and 36 SECAP cities/municipalities in the country.