Bosnia and Herzegovina's Contributions to Global Environmental Agendas

December 18, 2024

Green heritage


Bosnia and Herzegovina has made significant progress in biodiversity protection and climate action, driven by its international commitments and alignment with global frameworks such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Paris Agreement, and the European Green Deal.

A key accomplishment in this effort is the submission of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) to the UNFCCC, along with the development of the new Climate Change Adaptation and Low-Emission Development Strategy for the period 2020–2030, both of which were supported by UNDP in BiH.

The country has also updated its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), committing to a 33.2% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. This represents a crucial step in aligning Bosnia and Herzegovina’s climate objectives with global climate change mitigation efforts, though further integration into binding legal frameworks is essential for sustained progress.

Underscoring the country's commitment to advancing global environmental goals and reinforcing its dedication to addressing climate change and biodiversity loss on the international stage, BiH’s delegation, supported by UNDP in BiH, has actively participated in two key international events: the 16th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (COP16) and the 29th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29).

COP16: A Call for Biodiversity Conservation

At COP16 in Cali, Federal Minister of Environment and Tourism Nasiha Pozder highlighted BiH’s urgent need to strengthen biodiversity protection amidst increasing climate-related disasters. Addressing global leaders, she emphasized:

"The disaster that recently befell us serves as a stark reminder of our vulnerability to climate-related disasters. Protecting biodiversity and building resilience is not just a commitment – it is a necessity for our survival."

Minister Pozder’s underscored the reality that the impacts of climate change are no longer a distant threat; they are immediate and tangible. In light of this, she called on the international community to prioritize the safeguarding of biodiversity as an essential component of climate resilience. Her words reflect BiH's recognition of the interconnectedness between biodiversity preservation and climate action, with a focus on preventing further environmental degradation.

BiH is committed to global biodiversity and climate solutions, acknowledging the need for financial support, as limited institutional capacities hinder full implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Framework and achievement of 2030 targets despite progress with the National Ecosystem Assessment.


COP29: Confronting the Climate Crisis

At COP29 in Baku, Minister of Spatial Planning, Construction, and Ecology of Republika Srpska, Bojan Vipotnik, emphasized that financing the fight against the negative consequences of climate change is a major challenge for developing countries.  

"Countries with smaller, poorer economies, including Bosnia and Herzegovina, face significant challenges in financing the energy transition and the shift to clean energy sources from their own resources. Bosnia and Herzegovina, like many others, will require substantial international financial assistance and support to achieve the decarbonization of its energy sector by 2050," 

said Vipotnik.

Reaffirming BiH's commitment to the Paris Agreement's goals, Minister Vipotnik stressed the critical need for coordinated action to address climate challenges. He emphasized the importance of aligning national policies with global climate frameworks while tackling local issues such as air pollution and resource management. Minister Vipotnik also highlighted the necessity of integrating climate considerations into development strategies, fostering resilience, and ensuring inclusivity in climate action to advance sustainable development.


Collaborating for a Greener Future

Bosnia and Herzegovina’s participation at COP16 and COP29 confirms its commitment to finding collective solutions and contributing meaningfully to global environmental efforts.

In this context, UNDP’s work in Bosnia and Herzegovina exemplifies its mission to transform global goals into local actions. Through partnerships with donors and local stakeholders, UNDP in BiH delivers tailored support to address pressing challenges, including climate crisis, biodiversity loss, and land degradation, fostering progress toward sustainability and resilience.

Although efforts to understand flood risks and implement adaptation measures have advanced, significant gaps remain. In addition, other climate and environmental risks are yet to receive adequate attention. According to the World Bank’s Climate Change Institutional Assessment (CCIA), Bosnia and Herzegovina's public finance and accountability measures are relatively advanced compared to other Western Balkan countries. Yet, its institutional capacity to address climate change remains nascent. Fragmented efforts by individual institutions highlight the urgent need for improved coordination between ministries and political entities to strengthen the country’s climate action framework.