Sustainable Private Sector Development Programme

Flagship Project

Achieving Prosperity for All

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The primary objective of the Sustainable Private Sector Development is to contribute to the building of sustainable private sector businesses of all sizes, especially MSMEs, across all sectors, including those operating in rural areas and those owned and operated by vulnerable and marginalised groups such as the youth, women and people living with disabilities. Hence, this project aims to contribute creating inclusive, sustainable green jobs through the capacity development of these MSMEs.

The Supplier Development Methodology 

Stage One

Promotion & Formalization

Introduce programme, formalize agreements and set goals and targets.

Stage Two


Financial, technical, and operational assessment for identification of improvement areas.

Stage Three


Present findings of diagnosis to all and agree on actions to be taken by lead and supplier companies.

Stage Four

Design Improvement Plan

Based on the results of the diagnosis, plan activities, set workplan, assign responsibilities and identify support resources.

Stage Five

Implementation & Follow-up

Implement prioritized improvement plan within each of the lead and supplying companies.

Stage Six

Documentation & Systemization

Documentation of results and analysis for possible replication to other suppliers.