“Improvement of the Disposal Capacity of Plastic Litter in Urban Provinces” Project Signing

Remarks by Ms. Alissar Chaker, Resident Representative, UNDP Cambodia

February 27, 2025

H.E. Dr. EANG Sophalleth, Minister of Environment 
H.E. Mr. UENO Atsushi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the Kingdom of Cambodia
Distinguished Representatives of the Royal Government of Cambodia, Development Partners, Civil Society, UN Colleagues, Friends of the media, and Esteemed Guests.

I am delighted to witness the birth of the project “Improvement of the Disposal Capacity of Plastic Litter in Urban Provinces” as a result of diligent investment in time and effort by the Ministry of Environment, the Embassy of Japan and the UNDP Team.

Science has been clear for many years now; plastic pollution is deteriorating our environment and threatening our health and wellbeing. Specifically, the effects of marine plastic are concerning with forecasts estimating that here could be more plastic by weight than fish in the ocean by 2050. This looming crisis has prompted countries around the world to work together towards a legally binding instrument to end plastic pollution. Since 2021, UNDP has been supporting the networking and the preparation of the team of Cambodian negotiators. We are honoured to take part in this transformative endeavour that reflects our joint commitment to accelerate development while safeguarding our environment, our health and the planet for future generations.

Excellencies and distinguished guests.

Over the last 4 years, UNDP, with support from like-minded development partners, such as the Government of Japan, has promoted an integrated approach to support Cambodia’s efforts to address plastic pollution and foster circular economy business models. Our approach centres on four streams of work: 1) enhancing the policy and regulatory environment, 2) awareness raising for behavioural change: 3) supporting circular business development and entrepreneurship through initiatives like Ending the Plastic Pollution Innovation Challenge (EPPIC), the ASEAN blue Innovation Challenge, and 4) improving human and material capacity for plastic management at the local level in target provinces. 

Some of the key foundations laid down since 2021 include the development of the National Circular Economy Strategy and Action Plan and the draft sub-decree on Plastic Management to combat plastic pollution which includes new measures on single-use plastic. A policy dialogue on a voluntary Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) scheme was also convened with the objective of mobilizing the private sector to support the effective collection and recycling of plastic waste. The private sector is an important partner, though often invisible, in the the promotion of a circular economy. This is why we also place a strong emphasis on supporting public-private partnerships, entrepreneurship and circular business model innovations to accelerate transformational change and leverage financing to achieve scalable impacts. I am happy to report that Cambodia was included in the joint UNDP-Coca Cola Foundation regional partnership, the plastic waste management program in Asia. We look forward to also developing such partnerships with the private sector in Cambodia.

We continue to promote an integrated and circular approach focusing on the 4Rs Framework (Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) for plastic management, complemented by extensive awareness raising campaigns, in person and on social media, reaching millions of Cambodians. People are the most important drivers of change.

Excellencies and distinguished guests.

Building on past achievements, the project we are signing today will target urban areas (namely, Phnom Penh, Tbong Khmum, Siem Reap, and Preah Sihanouk) and coastal provinces (namely, Kep, Kampot, and Koh Kong) to promote sustainable plastic waste management. It is our hope that these interventions would trigger behavioral changes at scale towards promoting sustainable production and consumption and adopting Circular Economy solutions. It will capitalise on women and youth engagement throughout its interventions.

The project will shift the equation from waste to wealth as plastic waste can be a valuable asset. The global plastic waste market was valued at an estimated US$35.81 billion, in 2024. There is surely potential to generate revenue for the Cambodian economy, in terms of circular industries, but also protecting tourism and reducing heath bill associated with atmospheric pollution due to plastic burning and food chain contamination.

Excellencies and distinguished guests.

In closure, I would like to reconfirm UNDP’s commitment to fighting plastic pollution in line with the ethos of the National Circular Strategy on Environment 2023-2028 and would express my gratitude to the Embassy and People of Japan for their continuous support to addressing plastic waste in Cambodia, and to H.E. Dr. Eang Sophalleth, for his leadership, vision, and energy for achieving a greener, cleaner and more sustainable environment.

Thank you, Som Arkun

Officials shaking hands over a signed agreement at a ceremonial event with flags in the background.