UNDP in Cambodia
About Us
UNDP in Cambodia
UNDP has been in Cambodia for more than 50 years now, operating from 1958 to 1975, resuming in a limited capacity in 1980 contributing to emergency relief operations, and formally establishing its offices in Phnom Penh in 1994 with the signature of the Standard Basic Assistance Agreement (SBAA). We are currently implementing a new Country Programme Document 2024-2028. The country programme is aligned with key national priorities and policies, particularly Vision 2050, Pentagonal Strategy Phase 1, for 2024-2028, and the new UNSDCF. In designing the programme, the country office undertook a series of analytical exercises including futures analysis and strategic foresight in consultations with government counterparts, civil society, the private sector, United Nations organizations, youth representatives, and international development partners. The human rights-based approach is embedded in the design of the new country programme and underpins its theory of change, which will be revisited throughout implementation. The overall intent is to leverage UNDP technical capabilities and convening power to steward domestic, regional, and global networks and resources, as well as advocate and broker knowledge for Cambodia’s LDC graduation and SDG acceleration. To achieve this, three transformational shifts (preferred directions) were identified:
- The first shift is toward a more sustainable and green economic development model for accelerating inclusive growth, economic diversification, and human development.
- The second shift involves championing a just energy transition, climate action and naturebased solutions as the foundation for national wealth, well-being, and resilience to shocks.
- The third shift is strengthening institutions, civic space, and participation as enablers for inclusive growth and access to rights and equal opportunities for all while ensuring members of society can capitalize on the full potential of national digital transformation. All shifts require the transformational change of moving from development funding to financing. UNDP will prioritize interventions where comparative advantages, opportunities and partnerships converge.
What are our results?

Who are the decision makers?
The Resident Representative is the most senior official for UNDP in Cambodia and ultimately accountable for the quality and sustainability of UNDP interventions in the country and for ensuring that all UNDP policies and procedures are fully complied with. The UNDP Country Office is led by Ms. Alissar Chaker, Resident Representative, supported by Deputy Resident Representative, Mr. Shakeel Ahmad, Environmental Programme Specialist, Mr. Ahmed Shifaz, Programme Specialist - Governance and Social Transformation, Mr. Amir Khan Goraya, Assistant Resident Representative, Ms. Nimnuon Iv Ek, Programme Specialist - Management and Oversight, Ms. Ratana Norng, and Operations Manager, Mr. Socheath Heng.