Signing Ceremony for the Establishment of Regional Tree Nurseries between Ministry of Environment and UNDP

Key Remarks by Ms. Alissar Chaker, Resident Representative

July 17, 2024
a group of people posing for the camera

H.E. Dr. EANG Sophalleth, Minister of the Ministry of Environment
H.E San Vanty, Permanent Secretary of State, Ministry of Environment

Excellencies, distinguished guests, and colleagues,

It is my great pleasure to join you in today’s Signing Ceremony to support the establishment of five Regional Tree Nurseries in the provinces of Koh Kong, Kampong Speu, Siem Reap, Tboung Khmum, and Mondulkiri, as part of the implementation of the Circular Strategy on Environment 2023-2028.

This agreement will accelerate the implementation of the reforestation strategy and the ongoing efforts under the 1 Million Tree Campaign. It also reconfirms our collective and firm commitment to climate action, namely the NDCs and the Long Term Strategy for Carbon Neutrality, including the ambitious mitigation goal of achieving 60% forest cover by 2050. Together, we are driving positive change and working towards a sustainable future.

Reforestation plays a crucial role in carbon sequestration responsible for climate change and contributes to climate regulation. It improves water quality and filters air pollutants. Forests are biodiversity hotspots; animal and plant species rely on forests for food, shelter, and water. They are thus an important source of food for rural communities. From camping to fishing to hiking, forests also provide us with opportunities to connect with nature and improve our well-being and spirituality.

By the end of the year, potential site locations will be assessed, and suitable ones identified for the establishment of five regional tree nurseries in the five target provinces of Koh Kong, Kampong Speu, Siem Reap, Tboung Khmum, and Mondulkiri. The master plan and the nursery design will integrate sustainability features such as the use of solar panels for electricity and water supply systems. At least one of these regional stations will be up and going by then.

Excellencies, distinguished guests, and colleagues,

Great efforts are being invested in reforestation. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and commend the energy and unwavering commitment of the Ministry of Environment under the leadership of His Excellency Dr.  EANG Sophalleth in this endeavor. Allow me to also thank development partners, UN sister agencies, and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) for their diligent work in advancing climate action and environmental sustainability.

We, at UNDP, believe in the power of partnerships. Working together, we can leverage our resources and expertise toward a greener, cleaner, and more sustainable Cambodia.

Saum Orkun.