UNDP staff posing holding a SDG banner


Employment options

UNDP’s workforce is made up of personnel from across the globe who contribute a wide variety of skills and expertise towards building a fairer and more inclusive world for those in need through sustainable development. 

UNDP offers all personnel an attractive remuneration package, in accordance with UN-wide salary scales, policies and practices. 

Regular staff positions 

UNDP personnel in regular staff positions are recruited both locally and internationally for fixed-term or temporary appointments under the UN Staff Rules and Regulations as International Professionals, National Officers or General Service Staff. 

International Professionals (IP) and Directors (D)  

International Professionals are generally recruited internationally. They provide the expertise necessary to drive our mission forward by fulfilling a range of specialist functions. Within this category, Directors fulfil essential management and leadership duties. 

International Professional staff are international civil servants who are expected to be globally mobile and work in various regions and settings, including in crisis contexts and humanitarian emergencies. The expected duration of a specific assignment varies and is based on the hardship of the duty station. 

For International Professional positions, candidates must hold a Master’s degree, or a Bachelor’s degree plus additional two years of relevant work experience. The higher the level, the more complex the functions become.   

Level of appointment Bachelor’s + years of experience  Master’s + years of experience 
P-5 12 10 
D-1 14-15 12-13 
D-2 17+ 15+ 

National Officers (NO) 

National Officer staff are nationals of the country where their duty station is located. Requirements for this staff category are similar to those of International Professional staff, with a more pronounced emphasis on in-depth knowledge of the local context, institutions and partners. 

For national officer positions, candidates must hold a Master’s degree, or a Bachelor’s degree plus additional two years of relevant work experience. The higher the level of the job, the more complex the functions become. 

Level of appointment Bachelor’s + years of experience  Master’s + years of experience 
NO-A (ICS-8) 
NO-B (ICS-9) 
NO-C (ICS-10) 
NO-D (ICS-11) 10 


General Service (GS) 

General Service staff are recruited locally from the area in which an office or duty station is located. They provide essential support to UNDP’s work and are crucial to its smooth operation. These include administrative, secretarial and clerical support workers, as well as specialized roles such as drivers and building maintenance positions. The higher the level of the job, the more complex the functions become. 

Completion of a secondary education is required while a first-level university degree is an asset. Each General Service level position requires a minimum number of years of relevant professional work experience: 

Level of Appointment High School + Years of Experience Bachelors + Years of Experience
GS-1 (ICS-1)                          0                          0
GS-2 (ICS-2)                          2                          0
GS-3 (ICS-3)                          3                          0
GS-4 (ICS-4)                          4                          1
GS-5 (ICS-5)                          5                          2
GS-6 (ICS-6)                          6                          3
GS-7 (ICS-7)                          7                          4

 Personnel Services Agreements (PSA) 

UNDP also employs skilled experts who help us carry out essential time-limited goals working with specific projects/programmes and initiatives. PSA holders may be hired either locally (National Personnel Services Agreements: NPSA) or internationally (International Personnel Services Agreements: IPSA). PSA contracts are ideal for individuals seeking flexible, short-term assignments that allow them to make a significant impact within a defined period. These roles can range from technical specialists to project managers, addressing various thematic areas and operational needs. They are typically project-based and time-bound, providing an opportunity for professionals to contribute their expertise to targeted efforts 

PSA remuneration is based on UN salary scales: IPSAs are based on the International Professional salary scale, while NPSAs are based on local UN salary scale. All PSAs are entitled to annual leave and official holidays. 

Please check the UNDP Policy on Personnel Service Agreements(link is external) for more information.