Combatting plastic pollution for sustainable development: A snapshot of UNDP's work in 12 countries

Combatting plastic pollution for sustainable development: A snapshot of UNDP's work in 12 countries
November 27, 2024
Plastic has become a fundamental part of our global economy and everyday lives, but its growing prevalence brings with it a host of challenges that we can no longer ignore. Plastic pollution poses an urgent threat to sustainable development, directly jeopardizing the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Combatting plastic pollution is a critical priority – not merely as an environmental concern, but as a decisive step toward securing equitable and resilient development.
This report provides a snapshot of UNDP’s portfolio in 12 countries and outlines six overall key lessons learned on tackling plastic pollution. The document may offer useful insights for countries, communities, and stakeholders combatting plastic pollution while advancing sustainable development.