Being LGBTI in China
Being LGBTI in China
May 16, 2016
With great support from dozens of national and local community, business and media organizations, nearly 30,000 copies of valid questionnaires were received from all provinces of China.
The survey reflects the life experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex (LGBTI) people, and people with other non-conforming sexual orientation, gender identities and expressions, in regards to the legal environment, education, employment, family, access to health service, mental health, media, social services, faith and other areas, especially in terms of discrimination and unfair treatment suffered by sexual and gender minorities as well as social attitudes towards them.
This survey aims to provide baseline information for government bodies, international institutions, education sector, corporate and non-profit organizations, etc., and promote the adoption of anti-discrimination and protective laws and policies for China’s sexual and gender minorities.
The survey has been jointly implemented by UNDP, Peking University Sociology Department and the Beijing LGBT Center