
The Office of Procurement (OP)

Buying for a better world

UNDP manages one of the largest procurement operations in the UN, procuring around US$3 billion worth of goods, works and services each year. Ensuring that developing countries have access to life-saving medicines, emergency relief supplies and a host of other needed items. UNDP sustains this service by developing lasting procurement capacities among clients and partner countries.  

The Office of Procurement (OP) provides direct support to country offices and other business units worldwide to ensure transparent purchasing processes that the best value for money. This is achieved through targeted training, direct assistance, and tools and systems to facilitate the procurement process. Through innovative supply chain management, OP helps country offices and Headquarters units to keep pace with the dramatic growth in volume and complexity of procurement at OP.

With a dynamic and expanding portfolio of services, OP is committed to helping business units to not only secure the goods and services they need but also to sustain the procurement qualifications and competencies they need to empower communities and build resilient nations.

Global Procurement Services Division (GPSD)

The Global Procurement Services Division (GPSD) based in Copenhagen, Denmark, provides fit-for-purpose procurement services supporting such increasingly complex UNDP projects and programs, and strives to be the strategic implementation partner to all Country Offices, Regional and Central Bureaus. The goal is to provide sustainable and high-quality supply, while at the same time reducing life-cycle costs and lead-times. The Division creates synergies by consolidating global volumes and standardizing categories through centrally-managed long term agreements (LTAs) and corporate partnerships. GPSD has dedicated teams of procurement specialists offering procurement services within these thematic areas:

  • Crisis, Climate, and Infrastructure
  • Governance
  • Health
  • Training & Certification

The Crisis, Climate and Infrastructure Team supports relief-to-rehabilitation/reconstruction activities, vehicles, crises/emergency supply, and provides innovative energy and environment solutions in support of UNDP’s climate promise. The Health Team plays an important role in the UNDP-Global Fund partnership, providing procurement and supply chain support and guidance to COs ensuring the uninterrupted supply of time-sensitive and life-saving medicines, medical equipment, and other health products. The Governance Team supports cutting-edge digital identity management projects, technology solutions and equipment, and provides strategic guidance and operational support in electoral procurement to UNDP Country Offices and Electoral Management Bodies around the world. The Training Unit provides training and CIPS certification programmes in procurement and supply chain management, logistics, sustainable procurement etc.

Corporate Procurement Services Division (CPSD)

The Corporate Procurement Services Division (CPSD) based in New York, provides effective, improved and customer-focused procurement services to UNDP business units in line with best practices in public sustainable procurement while ensuring appropriate risk management and strategic support for programme and project delivery. CPSD has dedicated teams of procurement specialists offering procurement services on:

  • Policy, Systems and Audit
  • Central Procurement
  • Regional Procurement Advisors

The Policy, Systems and Audit team develops procurement policies, procedures and templates, corporate systems as well as the provision of procurement advisory services to Country Offices and Central Bureaus. The Central Procurement Team provides procurement support services for UNDP central business units, ensuring cost and time efficiency, required compliance, and added value to clients. The Regional Procurement Advisors are assigned to each UNDP region and provide advisory services, capacity building and quality assurance support to their respective region in order to ensure that the organization obtains goods and services in a cost-effective, compliant, and strategic manner.

Contact Information

UNDP Office of Procurement (OP)
Bureau for Management Services
One United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017

Director, Office of Procurement
Elisabeth Eckerstrom


Key Contacts

Policy, Systems and Audit

Adenike Akoh

Global Health Procurement

Zafar Yuldashev

Governance Team

Victor Margall von Hegyeshalmy

Crisis, Climate and Infrastructure Team

Bakhtiyor Khamraev

Procurement Training

Marco Sosted

Central Procurement Team

Ali Tahsin Jumah