Our partners

UNDP and civil society 

Civil society actors at national and global levels have developed substantive capacity and influence in a range of development issues. As partners, they contribute to the effectiveness of development interventions, especially with respect to marginalized and vulnerable groups. 

UNDP partners with a broad range of formal and informal civil society organizations that are outside the state and market. These include social movements, volunteer organizations, indigenous peoples' organizations, mass-based membership organizations, non-governmental organizations, and community-based organizations, as well as communities and citizens acting individually and collectively. 

UNDP’s partnership with civil society actors spans multiple domains, including programme implementation, policy development and advocacy. Recognizing that civil society actors often serve as both a driving force in guiding development policies and as a watchdog to make sure policies get implemented, UNDP facilitates civil society participation in all facets of Agenda 2030 implementation. 


For more information, please contact: civil.society@undp.org