woman leans over water source during protracted conflict in a fragile country


Breaking the cycle of fragility

Transforming protracted and fragile contexts


As a development actor present before and throughout protracted crisis and fragility, UNDP brings a long-term view towards the governance and socio-economic conditions necessary for countries to break the cycle, exit from fragility, and resume progress towards the SDGs and 2030 Agenda.


Crisis category: Contexts defined as 'fragile and conflict-affected' and 'fragile and extremely fragile' by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Developmen(link is external)t


UNDP’s engagements aim to achieve the structural transformations needed to address the underlying and root causes of protracted crises and fragility, strengthen the social contract and promote risk-informed, resilient recovery for the furthest behind, leading to more sustainable pathways from fragility.

UNDP conducts multidimensional risk analyses to inform strategies and programmatic approaches to help countries move out of protracted crises and fragility. In countries facing extraordinary circumstances, where it may not be possible to deliver through traditional means, UNDP is able to implement area and community development programmes at scale to reach the most vulnerable directly, focusing on addressing inequalities and exclusions which often underlie crises.


What we offer