Reimagining development for the 21st Century Accelerator Lab in Colombia completes 2020, and here are our learnings!

15 de Enero de 2021

Photo by: Lucas Benjamin on unsplash

Even though 2020 was not easy, it certainly was a year in which the Acclab Global Network proved its worth by bringing new knowledge into the development landscape and responding to complex issues, such as COVID19, in agile and systemic ways. As the Acclab in Colombia, we sought to achieve an adequate integration with the CO and to accelerate the work towards our frontier challenge: "reduction of the last-mile gap: from hotspots to hotbeds of development." A challenge that is more than ever relevant, having in mind the socioeconomic impacts of COVID19, especially in the furthest left behind territories and the most vulnerable communities in Colombia.

There is no doubt; it was a busy year. To find out more about our work and learnings during this hectic 2020, please read our full blog here.