The COVID-19 emergency has made it clear that the world needs to work comprehensively to build an inclusive and sustainable future, for this reason the National Planning Department (DNP), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) - through the Bussiness Call to Action program - and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), launch the SDG Corporate Tracker. The multi-stakeholder platform that allows measuring Colombia’s progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals -SDG - by 2030.
With this initiative, the contribution of the business sector in the fulfillment of the SDGs is measured and highlight in a platform that allows the information to be standardized and homogeneous based on the GRI sustainability standards.
The SDG Corporate Tracker online platform integrates the social, economic and environmental modules that correspond to the dimensions of sustainable development. As a response to the crisis caused by COVID-19, a new chapter was included. This chapter seeks to measure the negative and positive impacts, as well as the actions that companies are taking to protect their workers, their response to the crisis and the expectations to face the emergency.
With the launch of the SDG Corporate Tracker, DNP, UNDP, GRI and BCtA invite the private sector to restate their commitment to the 2030 Agenda and recognize their role as strategic partners for its implementation in the national territory. In regions, SDG Corporate Tracker has the support of Proantioquia, ProBarranquilla, ProPacífico, Bogota’s Chamber of Commerce, National Association of Home Public Utilities Companies and complementary and inherent activities (Andesco), Cartagena’s Chamber of Commerce and Colombia’s Mining Association which through its associated companies, have expressed the will and commitment to launch and report to the platform.
The SDG Corporate Tracker seeks to contribute to the public policy discussion and decision-making; measure the contribution of the private sector to the SDGs; generate analysis of the contribution to the SDGs by the economic sector, company size or region of the country; and identify, keep record and disseminate good business practices to contribute to the fulfillment of the SDGs.
Companies that intend to report their actions in the SDG Corporate Tracker can follow the step-by-step guide available here.
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