Submit any social and/or environmental complaint related to a project supported by UNDP in Ethiopia

Country Office Stakeholder Response Mechanism (SRM)

May 17, 2024

Submit any social and/or environmental complaint related to a project supported by UNDP-Ethiopia through the Country Office Stakeholder Response Mechanism (SRM)

The Country Office Stakeholder Response Mechanism (SRM):
Why: It is a corporate Social and Environmental Standards (SES) policy requirement and helps to receive and resolve complaints or disputes about actual or potential environmental or social harm to affected persons arising from UNDP supported projects. It is intended to supplement proactive stakeholder engagement (project grievance mechanisms) by UNDP and its Implementing Partners throughout the project cycle. 

Who can submit complaint: Any person or community/representative have grievance/who believes the environment, or their wellbeing may be affected by a UNDP-supported project or programme may file a complaint. 
How can submit complaint: any one can submit complains through the CO SRM service email ( ) by filling the detail information about the complaint. 

What information includes the complaint: Name, address, telephone number or other contact information. Whether the Complainant(s) wish to keep their identity confidential, and if so, why. Name, location, and nature of the UNDP project or programme (if known). How the Complainants believe they have been, or are likely to be, adversely affected by the UNDP-supported project or programme, the process taken to try to resolve the complaint through the organization or project grievance mechanisms.

Who Receive/Respond/Resolve complaints: The CO SRM Committee will receive, register, assess and respond/seek to resolve grievance in collaboration with responsible implementing partners and project management units. 

What are Eligible Complaints to the CO SRM? 
(i)    To be eligible for an SRM response, the complaint must:
a.    Relate to a current or proposed UNDP project;
b.    Explain how the complainants (or their authorized representative) have been experiencing or may experience adverse socio-economic or environmental impacts from the UNDP project;
c.    Indicate what steps, if any, have already been taken to try to resolve the complaint; such as use of Implementing Partner project-level or organizational-level grievance mechanisms, communication with the project manager (or with the project developers for projects that have not yet been approved), and/or communication with the Project Board. Unless the complainant has concern to request through implementing partners or project level grievance mechanisms.

(ii)    The following are excluded from the SRM:
a.    Any complaint that is found by UNDP to have been filed fraudulently or maliciously;
b.    Complaints that relate to UNDP procurement or employment (these complaints should be referred to the appropriate mechanism, either the relevant Business Unit, OAI or the appropriate national government audit body or equivalent);
c.    Complaints relating to projects that are not UNDP projects, projects where UNDP is one of several partners and is not responsible for the specific issues raised, or projects where UNDP’s role has ended, and UNDP has no feasible pathway to address the complainant’s concerns;
d.    Complaints by people or groups who have already raised the same issue with respect to the same project and received an SRM response, unless significant new information is available or there has been a significant change in circumstances;
e.    For UNDP projects executed by Implementing Partners(IPs): Unless the complainant fears retaliation or other adverse consequences, complaints that have not first been brought forward and pursued in good faith a) through an Implementing Partner grievance redress mechanism (if one exists), or b) through dialogue with the Implementing Partner’s project manager and the relevant UNDP staff supporting the project (via the Project Board or equivalent);
f.    For UNDP Direct Implementation projects: Unless the complainant fears retaliation or other adverse consequences, complaints that have not first been brought forward and pursued in good faith a) through a project grievance redress mechanism (if one exists) or b) through dialogue with the relevant UNDP project manager (normally via the Project Board or equivalent); and 
g.    Anonymous complaints. Unless the complainant fears retaliation or other adverse consequences are ensured. 

For any inquiry and more information, you can contact : The Country Office Stakeholder Response Mechanism (SRM) email: or reach out through the Corporate Accountability Mechanism contact