a group of people that are standing in the grass

Our focus

Ethiopia and UNDP in action

Integrated development solutions driven by country priorities and UNDP’s new Strategic Plan.

Our Strategic Plan 2022-2025 introduces the evolution of #NextGenUNDP into #FutureSmartUNDP. More than a mantra, it is our new benchmark for success in the future of development. Building on UNDP’s 50 years of expertise across 170 countries, this new approach allows us to focus and prioritize where country demands are greatest. By working together in this way, we aim to expand people’s choices for a fairer, sustainable future, with people and planet in balance.

Programme priorities and partnerships

Aligned fully with Ethiopia's Home-Grown Economic Reform and guided by the UNDP Strategic Plan, 2022-2025, the emerging UNDP strategic offer for Africa and the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF), the next programme will assist Ethiopia to overcome its structural challenges as it strives to become a democratic, peaceful and prosperous middle-income country. UNDP will support a successful transition to democratic governance, address drivers of conflict to consolidate and build peace, foster enabling conditions for expanded job creation by the private sector (especially SMEs) and accelerate the transition to a green economy resilient to climate change. Gender equality and women’s empowerment will be embedded across all areas of work. These priorities capitalize on strengths demonstrated under the past programme while adapting to new realities and opportunities, retaining an ability to respond flexibly to COVID-19 and other unforeseen developments.

Across all of its priorities, UNDP will apply principles drawn from the human-rights based approach that are strongly embedded in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, namely:
(a) Inclusion, targeting those left behind, as defined in the Common Country Analysis, especially women and youth (15-30 years) and among them, those below the national poverty line who are unemployed, exposed to violence, displaced, facing discrimination, have a disability or are marginalized in civic and political spaces. Location targeting will focus on poorer secondary and tertiary urban settlements and rural zones in three to four regions, identified with the Government, that are representative of the highlands, rift valley and lowland pastoralist areas.
(b) Resilience of individuals, especially women and youth, (female-headed) households and communities, emphasizing increased capacities to foresee, prepare for and bounce back stronger from a wide variety of shocks.
(c) Sustainability, ensuring that any development gains made are within the capacity and resources of the country and do not compromise prospects for future generations.


Our work

See how our integrated signature solutions – powered by digitalization, innovation and development financing – are accelerating impact and scale in Ethiopia