Using tech to empower communities in Ethiopia

Connecting for sustainable development

June 21, 2024

The Power of Technology in Community Development
Imagine an Ethiopia where every community, regardless of geographical location or socio-economic status, has access to the technology and knowledge needed to succeed. 

UNDP’s Accelerator Lab is helping to explore technologies transfer to communities through its collaboration with the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (MInT). Together, we have initiated a transformational approach by connecting grassroots innovations and research products with communities to ensure a brighter future for Ethiopian communities.

The UNDP Ethiopia Accelerator lab has been exploring initial engagement with MInT to see potential collaboration areas to satisfy their technology transfer vision.

In a rapidly evolving world, technology is a catalyst for change with the power to transform lives, bridge gaps, and create opportunities. However, there is a significant technology gap in many parts of the country. Many communities lack access even to the existing innovations. Therefore, expertise is needed to address their unique challenges from different perspectives, including sustainable education, agriculture, finance, digital, energy solutions, etc. This is where the UNDP Accelerator Lab and MInT's initiative come into play, leveraging useful technologies and nurturing local innovation. This partnership aims to address these challenges, ensuring that no community is left behind in the journey towards sustainable development.

The Initiative: Bridging the technology gap
The joint initiative between Accelerator Lab and MInT focuses on several key areas to drive meaningful changes, including entry points on (1) Agricultural Innovation: Agriculture is the backbone of Ethiopia's economy, and advancing this sector is crucial for national development. The initiative promotes innovative agricultural technologies, such as precision farming, drought-resistant crops, and other products that could ensure food and nutrition security, insurance solutions for the agri sector, and overall livelihoods in marginalized communities. (2) Renewable Energy Solutions: Ethiopia’s electrification need is significant. More than half of Ethiopia’s population (56 per cent) do not have access to electricity. Access to reliable and sustainable energy is a cornerstone of development. From the initial discussion between the two parties, access to sustainable and affordable energy has emerged as one of the priority areas. The initiative supports locally developed renewable energy technologies, such as solar and wind power, in rural and under-served areas. This reduces the reliance on fossil fuels and also provides communities with the energy needed to power homes, schools, and businesses.

Furthermore, the technology transfer will extend beyond agriculture and renewable energy, addressing a broad spectrum of community needs aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) prioritized by the UNDP Accelerator lab.  The initiative will support inclusive economic transformation by providing communities access to technologies that enhance productivity and create new economic opportunities. This will empower communities to participate more fully in the economy, enhancing financial inclusion and economic resilience. On climate resilience and sustainability, the initiative will promote the adoption of technologies that help communities adapt to climate change and reduce their environmental impact. This includes solutions for sustainable land management, water conservation, and renewable energy. These may ensure communities are better prepared to withstand environmental challenges. Through these technology transfers, we will seek to create a holistic approach to community development through sustainable, affordable and scalable technologies.

The architecture of collaboration
Our collaboration is about implementing technologies and building a sustainable framework that ensures long-term success. To achieve this, we plan to engage in several foundational activities defining the architecture of our collaboration.

Establishing a clear and effective technology transfer protocol is essential to ensure that new technologies are integrated into communities. This approach involves identifying suitable technologies, training local stakeholders, and creating support systems to ensure sustainable usage and maintenance.

A key aspect of this partnership is creating a comprehensive technology transfer program. This program will identify Ethiopia's technological needs and facilitate the transfer of relevant technologies. The collaboration will accelerate Ethiopia's technological advancements and bridge the technological rift. Training programs will build local capacity, ensuring Ethiopian professionals can sustain and develop these technologies, contributing to the country's development goals.

We aim to build a national database for technology and research products to enhance access to technology and innovation. Communities, researchers, and policymakers will use this database as e as a central repository of valuable information to easily access and utilize the latest innovations and research outcomes. By consolidating this information, we can enhance transparency, collaboration, and informed decision-making.

Codifying technologies and innovations ensure standardized practices and promote widespread adoption. By creating detailed guidelines and best practices, we will facilitate the consistent application of new technologies across different regions and sectors. This standardization will help maintain quality, improve efficiency, and encourage uniform implementation innovations.

Through these efforts, we are laying the groundwork for a robust and sustainable framework that supports the continuous integration of technology into Ethiopian communities. This collaboration will ensure that our initiatives have a lasting impact, empowering communities with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed. Ethiopia can benefit from this collaboration for technology development and transfer. MInT can leverage the UNDP's local and global experiences and resources to support initiatives aimed at sustainable development.

Existing partnerships
The UNDP Accelerator lab and MInT collaboration will leverage the existing partnerships with other local stakeholders, including the EIAR (Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research), EBTI (Ethiopian Bio Emerging Technologies Institute), Regional Research Institutes, Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA), Ethiopian Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Academic institutions, and other Government Initiatives. 

One of the best examples from the existing collaboration counts the EBTI that the UNDP has been supporting on nature-based solution development against Striga. Striga is a weed that severely affects sorghum and millet) and this nature-based solution offsets Striga by developing local strains of fusarium species.

EBTI laboratory Fusarium species strains culture to naturally combat with Striga weed

Therefore, the UNDP Accelerator Lab and MInT collaboration will count on such innovative solutions, such as the nature-based biopesticide, and other solutions within the EBTI and other local research institutes and the Academia.

Moreover, this will also open an opportunity to consider the transfer of technological solutions mapped and co-designed by the accelerator lab and the end users. An example of this could be the solid waste pushcart designed by the Acc lab and municipal solid waste management bureaus and MSMEs operating on solid waste.

A solid waste pushcart co-designed by UNDP's Accelerator Lab and actors working in the solid waste collection and disposal

Future vision: Towards a full-fledged project

While our current efforts focus on laying the groundwork for sustainable technology integration, we are committed to expanding this initiative into a comprehensive project by 2025. Through core resource allocation and enhanced collaboration with stakeholders, we envision a robust program that addresses various aspects of the technology needs of our community.

Our vision is to create an ecosystem where technology empowers communities, enhances innovation, and drives sustainable development. Together with MInT, we are dedicated to making this vision a reality, ensuring that Ethiopian communities are equipped with the tools and knowledge for a better future. By embracing technology and innovation, we can unlock the full potential of Ethiopian communities.

Therefore, we are organizing a workshop to bring together key stakeholders from various sectors, including representatives from local government, academia, research, non-governmental organizations, and private sector partners. The workshop seeks to facilitate in-depth discussions and knowledge sharing in the preparatory phases for collaboration. Key activities will include designing the project framework, defining roles and responsibilities, and outlining the main components of the project.

Join us on this transformative journey, and let's empower our communities through the power of technology. We invite others to join hands towards this initiative, contributing resources, expertise, and support to make a lasting impact on the lives of communities in Ethiopia. 

***The blog is written by Amanuel Tadesse (PhD), UNDP, and Teklemariam Tessema (PhD), MInT