A decree passed to endorse Choke Mountain as a Community Based Protected Area

April 5, 2019

The Amhara Regional State Parliament has endorsed a decree to preserve and conserve Choke Mountain as a Community Based Protected Area as of 26th March 2019.  

Choke Mountain is a known bio-diversity rich hotspot area found South of Lake Tana in Amhara Region. It is a water tower of the upper Blue Nile Basin and a source of over 60 rivers and 270 springs.

The decree passed will help to delineate the mountain for sustainable use of natural resources where local communities benefit from ecotourism and Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) for shared benefits of ecological services, provision of water, biodiversity and green energy.

UNDP has been advocating and supporting the conservation and protection of Choke Mountain under its project ‘Mainstreaming Incentives for Biodiversity Conservation embedded in the Climate Resilient Green Economy Strategy’.

UNDP’s programme will provide support to local communities around Choke Mountain to engage in an alternative livelihood opportunities.

Read more about UNDP’s intervention at Choke Mountain.(link is external)