Transforming Ethiopia's Livestock Sector

December 14, 2019

UNDP and the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries signed a programme document for a three-year livestock programme that seeks to transform the sector through diversifying local economies; creating local employment opportunities; and ultimately changing  livelihoods and building resilience of communities. FAO and ILRI will play a key role in supporting the implementation of the livestock programme.

Ethiopia has the largest livestock population in Africa with 56.7 million cattle, including 12.65 million milking cows and the programme intervention builds on the priorities set in the national plan for the sector to bring about radical change in both sedentary agriculture and pastoral areas. The programme will focus on supporting cross-cutting activities that will enhance production and productivity that seeks to bring about transformational change in the sector.

Ethiopia has the second largest population in Africa and this means that demand for livestock and livestock products is set to increase substantially in the coming years. If the country fails to meet this with an increase in production and productivity locally, households’ nutrition and food security will be severely challenged with Ethiopia will facing a hike in its import bills related to animal sourced foods and an increase in the price of livestock products.

The programme will focus on supporting cross cutting activities that will enhance production and productivity as well as facilitate agribusiness linkages on the commodity value chains. The identified cross cutting activities will focus on animal health, feed and genetics.

The three-year livestock programme (2017-2020) is estimated to require  12 million USD. UNDP has made an initial contribution of two million USD from its core resources.

Access our livestock support project document (link is external)