Stabilization and recovery support for communities affected by Gedeo-West Guji displacement
What is the project about?
The four-year project (2019-2022) aims at supporting returning Internally Displaced People (IDPs) and host communities. The project seeks to complement humanitarian assistance by supporting IDPs and local communities as per UNDP’s global 3x6 approach that builds resilience in post-crisis situation for vulnerable groups through introducing sustainable livelihoods.
What have we accomplished so far?
- The project supported the local government to reconstruct houses and support livelihood activities providing agricultural inputs particularly for youth and women.
- Currently, houses are constructed for more than 2000 households and 5000 farmers are provided with seeds and agricultural tools by the project.
- The project helped to establish more than 50 peace committees to facilitate inter-communal dialogue, enhance the use of indigenous conflict resolution strategies and rebuild trust among communities.